Koiri Make Earthing Voltage Monitoring Unit ( EARTHSCAN PRO Series )


Power Quality and Monitoring EVMU

Price: 3835
You Save: 4956

Product Discription

Earthing Voltage Monitoring Unit

An Earthing Voltage Monitoring Unit (EVMU) is a critical component of an Earthing Voltage Monitoring System. It serves the purpose of continuously monitoring the voltage between the neutral point of the electrical supply system and the earth ground. Here's an overview of its functionalities and features.

  • Summery
  • Earth Volt-Meter which will be used to detect the live Voltage between Neutral to Earth (N-E) as well as Phase to Neutral (P-N).

    Live Voltage will be indicated by a 7-Segment display with the live indication of voltage either it is (Earth/Phase/Neutral).

    Beep sound indicates that there is fault in the earthing and we can set the range of voltage as per our requirement

  • Applications of EVMU
  • VerificationIt's important to use earth voltagemeasurement meters properly and to followsafety precautions, especially when dealingwith electrical systems. Additionally, regulartesting and maintenance of groundingsystems are essential for ensuring the safetyand reliability of electrical installations.

  • Electrical Safety

    Grounding System Testing


    Diagnostic Tools

    Utilities and Power Distribution

    Lightning Protection Systems

    Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Control

    Medical Diagostic Center