Basics of Earthing Voltage Monitoring Units (EVMU)

Introduction to Earthing Voltage Monitoring Units

Earthing (grounding) systems are central to securing electrical safety and correct functioning of electrical systems. They offer protection from electric shock, protection of electrical equipment, and safe fault current escape. Earthing Voltage Monitoring Unit (EVMU) is a fundamental unit that checks the operation and condition of earthing systems, particularly in areas of critical electrical operation.

What is an EVMU?

An Earthing Voltage Monitoring Unit (EVMU) is an electrical monitoring unit which is continuously monitoring the voltage difference between a reference point, most often a neutral point of an electrical installation, and the ground (earth). It is particularly designed to give warning of any deviation within the earthing system which would create electric hazard, i.e., faults, voltage unbalances, or bad grounding. Such equipment is utilized in business and industrial settings, where proper earthing is instrumental in equipment and personnel safety. The primary responsibility of an EVMU is to alert operators of any earthing voltage fault that may result in injury or system failure.

How Does an EVMU Work?

An EVMU operation is founded on system neutral (or reference point) and grounding system voltage difference measurement. Mechanism described in a simple manner:

  • Voltage Detection: The EVMU detects the voltage difference between earth electrode and system neutral. The voltage difference would be the measure of earthing system sufficiency.
  • Surveillance: The EVMU continuously monitors the earth-to-neutral voltage so that a rise or fall in the voltage can be detected, which might be a symptom of fault or malfunction in the earthing system.
  • Fault Detection and Warning: When the voltage level crosses a set value, the EVMU provides an alarm or warning signal to the control system or persons that remedial action needs to be taken so that electrical hazards are avoided.

Significance of EVMUs in Electrical Safety

  • Compliance Fulfillment: Almost all electrical standards and codes require correct earthing to ensure the security of electrical equipment. EVMUs help in compliance because they continue to monitor the earthing condition.
  • Protection from Electric Shock: If the earthing voltage is unstable or high, electric shock is highly probable and may cause fatal damage or death. EVMUs detect such types of faults and avoid accidents.
  • Protection of Equipment: Bad or improper earthing causes destruction of sensitive electrical equipment due to overvoltage or poor grounding. EVMUs keep the earthing system in good order and thus prevent costly assets.
  • Minimum Downtime: By reporting and warning operators in real-time, EVMUs enable anticipatory maintenance. This reduces risk factor in case of electrical or earthing faults.

Types of EVMUs

There are diverse kinds of EVMUs, each for specific applications:

  • Single-Phase EVMUs: Used in single-phase electrical systems, common in residential or small commercial installations.
  • Three-Phase EVMUs: They are widely used in industrial settings, three-phase EVMUs monitor earthing voltage in multiple phases to ensure safety of advanced electric systems.
  • Portable EVMUs: Portable EVMUs are used in short-term or field testing without the need for fixed mounting. They facilitate quicker earthing system testing.
  • Hard reset or Fixed EVMUs: Hard-set within an application, these devices provide permanent surveillance and in-built alarm systems for constant guarding.

Uses of EVMUs

  • Industrial Plants: Protecting plant assets and personnel from electrical failure.
  • Computer Rooms: Creating a safe area for delicate computer and server equipment that can be ruined by electrical malfunctions.
  • Business Structures: Eradication of power surges and offering electric guard to building infrastructure.
  • Green Power Systems: In solar power or wind power systems, where grounding aids in safety, and also in maximizing the performance of the systems.

Advantages of Employing EVMUs

  • Real-Time Monitoring: EVMUs enable real-time monitoring, whereby faults can be identified at an early stage before they develop into major faults.
  • Automation and Alarms: Most EVMUs are automated systems, alerting by alarms or shutdowns on earth voltage faults, providing rapid response times.
  • Data Analytics: Sophisticated models possess sophisticated features like data logging, which can be utilized to track trends, detect repeated faults, and schedule optimal preventive maintenance schedules.
  • Cost-Effective: Through avoiding disastrous electrical failure, EVMUs yield dividends in terms of avoided costs for system downtime and maintenance.


Earthing Voltage Monitoring Unit (EVMU) is a critical component of sophisticated electrical systems that ensures safety for the earthing and grounding facilities. EVMUs avoid electrical hazards, maintain equipment operation, and ensure overall safety in industrial, commercial, and residential settings by continuously monitoring earthing voltage.